
Monday, 21 January 2013

The Land of Batak Toba

by: Wendy Hutahaean

At the time of Batak Kingdom ruled by Sisingamangaraja based in Bakara, the kingdom is divided into four regions called Raja Maropat, which are:

1.      Raja Maropat Silindung
2.      Raja Maropat Samosir
3.      Raja Maropat Humbang
4.      Raja Maropat Toba, the territory of Batak Toba people. It covers the current Kabupaten Toba Samosir until East Coast and bordered by the Kingdom of Johor.

In the Dutch Colonial period, Tapanuli Residency consists of 4 regions called afdeling which are:

1.      Afdeling Padang Sidempuan
2.      Afdeling Nias
3.      Afdeling Sibolga
4.      Afdeling Bataklanden

A.   Batak Toba

Batak Toba People is a part of Batak ethnics. They live in Kabupaten Toba Samosir that consists of some districts, which are:

1.      Ajibata
2.      Balige
3.      Borbor
4.      Habinsaran
5.      Laguboti
6.      Lumban Julu
7.      Nassau
8.      Pintu Pohan Meranti
9.      Porsea
10.   Siantar Narumonda
11.   Sigumpar
12.   Silaen
13.   Tampahan
14.   Uluan
15.   Parmaksian
16.   Bonatua Lunasi

Kabupaten Toba Samosir

B.   Batak Humbang

Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan

Batak Humbang is a part of Batak Toba Ethnics. They live in Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan that consists of some districts, which are:

1.      Dolok Sanggul
2.      Lintong Nihuta 
3.      Bakti Raja
4.      Onan Ganjang
5.      Pakkat
6.      Parlilitan
7.      Paranginan
8.      Pollung
9.      Sijama Polang
10.   Tara Bintang

Batak Humbang people also live in some districts of Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, which are:

1.    Siborong-borong
2.    Muara
3.    Pagaran
4.    Parmonangan

Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara

C.   Batak Silindung

Batak Silindung is a part of Batak Toba Ethnics. They live in Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara that consists of some districts, which are:

1.      Tarutung
2.      Sipoholon
3.      Sipahutar
4.      Siatas Barita
5.      Pangaribuan
6.      Pahae Jae
7.      Pahae Julu
8.      Garoga
9.      Simangumban
10.   Purbatua

D.   Batak Samosir

Batak Samosir is a part of Batak Toba Ethnics. They live in Kabupaten Samosir that consists of some districts, which are:

1.      Pangururan
2.      Simanindo
3.      Harian
4.      Sianjur Mula-mula
5.      Nainggolan
6.      Onan Runggu
7.      Palipi
8.      Ronggur Nihuta
9.      Sitio-tio

Kabupaten Samosir


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